Can your blood type be linked to disease caused by diet that is not right for you?
Can your blood type be linked to your longevity, even your compatibility with others?
Your blood type has everything to do with how you respond to stress, the strength of your immune system, how you digest food and more.
Did you know in Japan certain businesses use the blood type of a person when placing them in positions, legend is “A’s” are calm and trustworthy, “B’s” are creative and excitable, “AB’s” are thoughtful and emotional and “O’s” are confident leaders.
Research has conclusively shown a direct link between blood type, diet, disease and longevity. They have also shown a direct link between blood type and your most compatible mate.
In our blood we carry the memory of human history. Have you ever wondered why weight loss diets work for some but not for others? Why some people live longer and have more vitality both mentally and physically than others? Our heritage is intimately tied to our blood type, and since blood carries nutrients through the body, it makes sense that different blood types react differently to the nutritional content of food. When doing a successful nutritional program your blood type should be considered.
Percentage of the population and their blood types.
- Type “O” 46%
- Type “A” 40%
- Type “B” 10%
- Type “AB” 4%
The original blood type was type “O” they were hunters, meat eaters and they do best on a high protein diet adding in fruits and vegetables, type “A” are the fish and vegetable eaters, they do better eating smaller more frequent meals, type “B” gets a little of both but cannot tolerate chicken and corn, however B’s have the ability to eat and metabolize dairy products, O’s and A’s do not do well with dairy at all. “AB” is the newest blood type, it has only been around for a thousand years or so and is considered a work in progress since it is the result of intermingling of different blood types. AB’s do best with fish and seafood as their primary source of protein, fresh being the best.
The most important issue concerning our physical life is the condition of our health. Many are oblivious to the potential health risks and consequences now and in the future by ignoring symptoms or expecting someone to “fix” them and they can continue doing what they are doing only to end up seriously ill in the future.
Symptoms are a warning there is something wrong and should be addressed as such. We should be looking for the underlying cause. That is what the blood type diet has done, it has found the things that cause people health challenges and its relationship to the foods they eat as well as why certain foods affect some and not others.
There are many who say it is just a far out theory, but the science is there, there is proof of what happens when you eat foods that are not right for your blood type.
What are Lectins and what do they do?
Lectins are tiny molecules in foods that cause blood and other body tissues to stick together (also known as agglutination). A food lectin can cause the tissue of one blood type to stick together but will not cause the same effect on a different blood type.
Why are lectins important? David Freed, a eminent immunologist once wrote, “Lectins are causes in search of diseases”
Lectins interfere with the immune system of the gut, some suspected food allergies are actually immune system reactions to the lectins contained in the food. Lectins interfere with protein digestion as well as activate autoantibodies in inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. It is believed that many cases of fibromyalgia may stem from a intolerance to wheat. Lectins influence gut permeability, damage the intestinal lining, block digestive hormones and impair absorption. Lectins can also stimulate organ growth, numerous studies have shown increases in the size of intestines, liver and pancreas when test animals are fed dietary lectins,
Some common lectin containing foods include wheat, tomato and peanuts. These are more problematic for certain blood types.
How about your genes? That is what makes you, you. Your genetic heritage is the unbroken story line of your life. The mechanics of blood type’s influence has to do with the way the blood type gene influences other genes located immediately adjacent or nearby. This explains why your blood type can have an impact on so many bodily systems, from digestive enzymes to neuro-chemicals. A 1984 report in the journal of Genetic Epidemiology, showed a clear genetic connection between blood type and breast cancer.
These studies show an intimate relationship between the blood type gene and other genes and how they impact our health and well-being. The blood type antigen does not influence the level of acid in your stomach it is the gene for your blood type that influences genes located immediately adjacent or very close to the blood type gene. In the brain the gene for the enzyme dopamine literally sits on top of the gene for blood type, making an association between blood type and stress, mental health, and personality characteristics.
It is important to focus on how and why diet is the culprit that kills many inadvertently, while sparing others. The human life span can be increased as much as 20 years, especially in type A and AB individuals. This is why you should “Eat what you are.”
Consuming the optimal diet compatible with your blood type may sound easy but for most it is not. We have taken on bad habits through the years because of convenience and marketing, for some it is hard to change.
Can’t wait to learn more, or want to get your food list and get started to feeling wonderful, read Eat Right For Your Type by Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo or Blood Types Body Types and You by Joseph Christiano
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