A good Alternative Treatment for what ails you?
I am sure you have heard people talk about having a reflexology treatment and wondered if they were just wasting there money, did it really have any benefit to there health and should I give it a try. So what is Reflexology?
More people than ever are looking for alternatives to chemical treatments including Reflexology. Nearly 75 percent of disorders and diseases are brought about by external influences, stress and lifestyle factors, most all are treated with some form of medication.
The History of Reflexology
As far back as 5,000 years ago the Chinese used a form of foot massage as a healing method and in the tombs of ancient Egypt you will find pictorial evidence of physicians doing massage type treatments on the feet. In Native American folk medicine there was a type of foot massage used as a healing aid. A type of “zone therapy” was being used as far back as 1500 AD. Cellini (1500-1571) the great Florentine sculptor is reported to have used strong pressure on his fingers and toe in order to relieve pain in his body. In a book by Dr. H. Bresslar, titled Zone Therapy, Dr. Bresslar mentions that therapeutic foot massage was practiced during the fourteenth century.
What is Reflexology and how does it work
In reflexology, the word reflex is used in the sense of reflection, or mirror image. These reflexes are found on the soles of the feet or the palms of the hands, which act as small mirrors reflecting the whole organism.
Reflexology uses the principle that no one body part works in isolation that every part works together for the benefit of the entire body. A vital energy, or life force, circulates between the organs of the body, permeating every living cell and tissue. This would mean that a buildup of toxins in one part of the body would eventually lead to different parts having to work harder to compensate for the imbalance in other areas. Basically if the energy becomes blocked, the part of the body relating to the blockage is affected. The idea then is to stimulate the various reflexes on the feet and hands to clear away the congestion of toxic deposits that inhibit the flow of vital energy through our bodies, thereby improving our health and vitality.
Energy blocks in the human body are reflected on the hands and feet in one or more zones located there, when working those areas a gritty area or a crystal deposit may present itself. There may be pain experienced in an area that relates to the part of the body that is imbalanced. A reflexology treatment has a beneficial effect on the blood circulation and the nervous system.
The body has ten longitudinal zones, which run from the tip of the fingers and thumbs, up through the brain then down to the tip of the toes. Five zones are found on each side of the central line of the body. These zones, longitudinal sections extending from the front to back contain the internal organs and glands of that section. When properly applied to the appropriate “points”, a healing energy is released to relieve pain, promote healing and remove symptoms. This reflex system of controls encompasses the entire body and mind, releasing tensions, congestions and mal-adjustments.
A healthy human body is an amazing machine working in perfect order, with all glands, organs, nerves and body chemistry all maintaining a healthy balance. When one of these components get out of order due to stress, tension or other imbalances the effect is felt throughout the entire body.
It is imperative that the blood and nerve supply to every organ and gland be at a maximum, in order to keep the body at a normal balance.
Circulation is life; stagnation is death
-Eunice Ingham
How does reflexology affect the circulation system?
Tension has the affect of restricting blood flow and if the circulation is cut off to even the smallest part of the body a variety of aches and pains occur, the color starts changing and if the blockage continues the affected part will die. When your hands and feet get cold they start to ache because cold has the effect of reducing the blood supply, cold constricts. When organs and glands do not receive a sufficient supply of blood they malfunction and lose their balance, the body stops working in harmony.
Reflexology causes the body to become more relaxed allowing a rich supply of blood to flow to the glands and organs so they may start functioning more harmoniously.
How does reflexology affect the nervous system?
The nerves convey impulses from the central nervous system to other parts of the body, coordinating the function of the organs and the various body parts enabling them to work with one another. Tension can put pressure on various nerves, impairing messages to the organs. This can mean the organ may not function as it should, a tension headache for example.
Reflexology stimulates the nerve endings encouraging the opening and clearing of neural pathways. Reflexology reduces tension and this in turn aids the nervous system.
Should everyone use reflexology?
Caution should be used when getting a treatment if you have any of the following: osteoporosis, arthritis in the feet or hands, certain heart conditions such as thrombosis and phlebitis, diabetes, and pregnancy. Treatment to cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, radium or hormonal treatment should make sure they are using a fully qualified reflexologist. I want to stress the use of a qualified reflexologist that has the experience and knowledge to know when it is ok to do a treatment and when it would be unadvisable for your condition. Make sure the person you choose holds a certificate of qualification from a recognized reflexology school. You may consider asking for the name of the school when scheduling the appointment then contact that school to make sure they are on their register of practitioners.
Reflexology does work when it is performed by a skilled individual and you are willing to be responsible for your own health and therefore responsible for what you do to your body.
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